SKILLNET publishes a semi-annual newsletter about our crowdsourcingproject CEMROL (Collecting Epistolary Metadata of the Republic of Letters). You can read past issues here. Or subscribe here to stay informed (our privacy policy can be found below).
Privacy policy SKILLNET
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European regulation and replaces the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act as of 25 May 2018. Every company, association or organisation that records data about customers or other persons must publish its policy on how this data is handled.
1. SKILLNET collects the following information of subscribers to CEMROL’s digital newsletter:
- Name
- Email address
2. This data is only used to keep subscribers informed of news and activities directly related to CEMROL by means of the digital newsletter.
3. The data can only be viewed by three team members of SKILLNET, namely Dr Dirk van Miert (project leader and director of CEMROL), Dr Ingeborg van Vugt (postdoc and coordinator of CEMROL) and Dr Robin Buning (project assistant and collaborator of CEMROL).
4. The data will not be passed on to others, unless with the individual and explicit permission of the person(s) concerned.
5. The data is stored in a secure online environment (Mailchimp), to which only the three persons mentioned above have access. In the event of a possible data leak (e.g. if SKILLNET’s Mailchimp account is hacked), the project leader will immediately report this to the Dutch Data Protection Authority.
6. The data retention period is one year after the end of the SKILLNET project, i.e. until 30 June 2023, or until unsubscription from the newsletter. In case of unsubscription, all data of the person concerned will be deleted.