SKILLNET – Sharing Knowledge in Learned and Literary Networks


Robin Buning

Successful first public meeting CEMROL

Four months after the launch of the CEMROL platform, the core of a growing crowd met on Friday 12 April for the first public meeting. The purpose of the afternoon was to inform the volunteers about the latest state of CEMROL, but above all to get to know each other better and to get feedback about the functionality and user-friendliness of the platform.

After the presentation of the project by Dirk van Miert, Karen Hollewand showed how many users are active on the platform, how much work they have already done, what has been improved since its launch and what functionalities will be implemented in the near future (see her blog post on the first results of CEMROL). The volunteers who were present gave useful tips to further improve the workflow and to make transcribing less repetitive. They also said that the explanation given on the platform about how the platform works and what is expected of the users could be clearer. Finally, the volunteers showed a great appetite for the contents of the letters. This newsletter and future activities, such as a visit to the Special Collections of Utrecht University Library and a public lecture, will hopefully meet these needs.

Are you interested in joining our team of volunteers? Visit CEMROL right now and start your first session.

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